While at Anthem I had two roles, workshop UX facilitator and UI designer. For the GPS app, I created workflows and wireframes for app to guide members to go to urgent care centers and personal doctors instead of ERs. I led workshops comprised of members, Anthem employees (from all levels), medical workers or various 3rd party people. My role was to take the information from the workshop (opportunities, pain points, user journey, personas, 3 low fidelity wireframes) and expand on a design. Along with a business lead and consultant, we interviewed and held meetings with Anthem stakeholders to deep dive further into their goals for the interface.
The business also wanted to create a profile of the user, their doctor choices, a symptom checker, a chat option and notifications. I researched interfaces like GPS apps, WebMD and Doctor database sites. I started mapping out how the different aspects of the app would work and how the user’s journey would look and created a prototype for a presentation to the business.